I mainly work with adults and teens (age 14+) who…

  • have busy/sticky brains, especially ones that get intrusive thoughts

  • are dealing with big changes (going to college, breakups, etc)

  • feel numb or without purpose

  • would like to reduce a behavior (such as hair-pulling, skin-picking, or feeling out of control with alcohol, cannabis, or smartphone/social media use, or feeling stuck in a binge/purge/restrict cycle with food)

A big part of our work is about figuring out what we do and don’t have control over, and then we work on changing what we can and accepting what we can’t. I’m trained in a bunch of things that help with this.

I feel super lucky to be a therapist. My clients are awesome and vulnerable and brave, and I get to wear comfy clothes. And, I get to spend a good chunk of my day reviewing concepts that have helped me & remind me to do things that are good for me too (sleep, eat, move my body, practice mindfulness, reach out to nice people, avoid avoidance). We’ll be focused on your needs and wants, but I totally benefit nonetheless, and I wouldn’t be encouraging you to use the tools we go over in session if I hadn’t experimented with them myself & thought they were worth your time.

I have worked with many clients with LGBTQ+, non-binary, and sexual minority identities, and am experienced in helping people navigate dating and forming relationships no matter what they are looking for. Over the years, I have supported clients from varying racial, ethnic, and religious backgrounds. My work is aligned with the HAES® (Health at Every Size) model of weight-inclusive care, and I frequently attend consultation with other HAES® dietitians and therapists to make sure that I am giving folks the best care that I can. I strive to be an ally, and to continue learning from people with lived experience that differs from my own - it’s a big part of why I joined an office space that allows me to connect with other providers who specialize in queer and trans care.

I have spent most of my therapist career in private practice, but have also trained in a university counseling center, an outpatient mental health center, and in a program for teens and young adults who were living independently for the first time after being in foster care. My degree (which is from the University of Maryland) is in social work, which means I try to keep a ‘systems’ lens on, even if we’re working one on one - how does your environment and culture affect you? What is your role in your family system, and how does it get reinforced?

As much as I cherish getting to know people through our individual work, there is also a special place in my heart for leading groups and classes. It’s exciting to see clients learn from and support each other… and the social pressure to stay on top of homework between sessions often leads people to make wanted changes a little more quickly.

Prior to becoming a therapist, I taught yoga and mindfulness in schools, studios, my students’ homes, and shelters.

When I’m not at work, I like spending time outside, cooking, and reading.

a picture of my office in Columbia Heights, DC. A comfy couch is visible next to a side table, and a there is textile art on the wall.

Ready to reach out? Let’s set up a time to chat.